Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix


The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) is an intelligence test designed for children ages 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months developed by David Wechsler in 1967. It is a descendant of the earlier Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children tests. Since its original publication the WPPSI has been revised three times in 1989, 2002, (followed by the UK version in 2003) and 2012. The current version, WPPSI–IV, published by Pearson Education, is a revision of the WPPSI-R (Wechsler, 1989) and the WPPSI-III (Wechsler, 2002). It provides subtest and composite scores that represent intellectual functioning in verbal and performance cognitive domains, as well as providing a composite score that represents a child’s general intellectual ability (i.e., Full Scale IQ).


  • The Preschool Language Scales-5th Edition Screening Tests for Early Childhood Educators (PLS-5 Screening for Early Childhood Educators) is a quick speech and language screening that can be administered to children from birth through age 6 in 5-10 minutes.
  • Why do the “Preschool” language scales extend to age 7:11? Providing norms through age 7 enables clinicians to obtain standardized scores (including Growth Scale Values) to address the needs of children who:. Better demonstrate their language skills when provided with a variety of interactive test formats.

The original WPPSI (Wechsler, 1967) was developed as an intelligence measure for 4-6:6yr olds in response to an increasing need for the assessment of preschoolers. The WPPSI was divided into eleven subtests, all of which were retained in the revision in 1989. The WPPSI-R expanded the age range to 3–7 years 3 months and introduced a new subtest, Object Assembly. WPPSI-III incorporates a number of significant changes. Additional subtests have been designed to enhance the measurement of Fluid Reasoning (see Carroll, 1997) these are; Matrix Reasoning, Picture Concepts and Word Reasoning. Measures of Processing Speed have also been taken from the WISC-III, adapted for use with younger children and included as new subtests (Coding & Symbol Search). The age range has been lowered to 2 years 6 months, and has also been divided into two bands: 2 years 6 months - 3 years 11 months and 4–7 years 3 months, this was done in recognition of the substantial changes in cognitive development that occur during early childhood. The WPPSI-IV added the new Working Memory subtests of Picture Memory and Bug Search and the new Processing Speed subtests of Bug Search, Animal Coding, and Cancellation. It also simplified and shortened instructions.

Appendix 1 – Placement Procedures For New Referral The principal (or designee) receives a referral to CSE/Child Study Team or Instructional Support Team and forwards it to the appropriate committee. Principal (Either of the following two procedures may be followed.) Child Study or ISS Teams Meeting is held to determine what the issues are and.

Test Format[edit]

The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence consist of 14 subtests. They are designated as one of three types: core, supplemental, or optional. The core subtests are required for the computation of the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ. The supplemental subtests provide additional information about cognitive abilities or can be used as replacement for inappropriate subtests. The optional subtests provide additional information about cognitive functioning but cannot be used as replacements for core subtests.

  • Block Design - while viewing a constructed model or a picture in a stimulus book, the child uses one- or two-color blocks to re-create the design within a specified time limit.
  • Information - for Picture Items, the child responds to a question by choosing a picture from four response options. For Verbal Items, the child answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics.
  • Matrix Reasoning - the child looks at an incomplete matrix and selects the missing portion from 4 or 5 response options.
  • Bug Search - the child uses an ink dauber to mark the image of a bug in the search group that matches the target bug.
  • Picture Memory - the child is presented with a stimulus page of one or more pictures for a specific time and then selects the picture from options on a response page.
  • Similarities - the child is read an incomplete sentence containing two concepts that share a common characteristic. The child is asked to complete the sentence by providing a response that reflects the shared characteristic.
  • Picture Concepts - the child is presented with two or three rows of pictures and chooses one picture from each row to form a group with a common characteristic.
  • Cancellation - the child scans two arrangements of objects and marks target objects.
  • Zoo Locations - the child views one or more animal cards placed on a zoo layout and then places each card in the previously displayed locations.
  • Object Assembly - the child is presented with the pieces of a puzzle in a standard arrangement and fits the pieces together to form a meaningful whole within 90 seconds.
  • Vocabulary - for Picture Items, the child names pictures that are displayed in a stimulus book. For Verbal Items, the child gives definitions for words that the examiner reads aloud.
  • Animal Coding - the child marks shapes that correspond to pictured animals.
  • Comprehension - the child answers questions based on his or her understanding of general principles and social situations.
  • Receptive Vocabulary - the child looks at a group of four pictures and points to the one the examiner names aloud.
  • Picture Naming - the child names pictures that are displayed in a stimulus book.

The WPPSI–IV provides Verbal and Performance IQ scores as well as a Full Scale IQ score. In addition, the Processing Speed Quotient (known as the Processing Speed Index on previous Wechsler scales) can be derived for children aged 4 – 7 years 3 months, and a General Language Composite can be determined for children in both age bands (2 years 6 months – 3 years 11 months & 4–7 years 3 months). Children in the 2 years 6 months – 3 years 11 months age band are administered only five of the subtests: Receptive Vocabulary, Block Design, Information, Object Assembly, and Picture Naming.

Quotient and Composite scores have a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Subtest scaled scores have a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. For Quotient and Composite score:

below 70 is Extremely Low,
70-79 is Borderline,
80-89 is Low Average,
90-109 is Average,
110-119 is High Average,
120-129 is Superior,
130+ is Very Superior.

This is true for most Wechsler Scales with the exception of the WIAT-III.


The WPPSI can be used in several ways, for example:

  • As an assessment of general intellectual functioning.
  • As part of an assessment to identify intellectual giftedness.
  • To identify cognitive delay and learning difficulties.

The clinical utility of the WPPSI-III can be improved and a richer picture of general function achieved when combined with other assessments. For example, when paired with the Children’s Memory Scale (CMS: Cohen, 1997) a measure of learning and memory functioning in children or the WIAT-II a measure of academic achievement, information can be gained on both cognitive ability and academic achievement in young children. Combinations such as these would potentially be of use in educational settings and inform educational interventions. Sonic unleashed ps3 pc download. A further potentially useful pairing includes the used of the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS; Harrison & Oakland, 2003); this pairing can result in information on cognitive and adaptive functioning, both of which are required for a proper diagnosis of learning difficulties. The Wechsler tests can also been used to identify intellectual giftedness, and are commonly accepted as qualifying evidence for high-IQ societies, such as Intertel and Mensa.[1][2]

However, it is important to consider and recognise the limitations of using assessments. Some studies show that intelligence tests such as the WPPSI-III, especially for pre-K level, are unreliable and their results vary widely with various factors such as retesting, practice (familiarization), test administrator, time and place.[3] There are claims that some commercially available materials improve results simply by eliminating negative factors through familiarization which in turn puts children at a comfortable frame of mind.[4]

Psychometric Properties[edit]

The US standardisation of the WPPSI-III included 1,700 children aged 2 years 6 months – 7 years 3 months. The reliability coefficients for the WPPSI-III US composite scales range from .89 to .95. The UK sample for the WPPSI-III was collected between 2002–2003 and contained 805 children in an attempt to accurately represent the most current UK population of children aged 2 years 6 months to 7 years 3 months according to the 2001 UK census data. The UK validation project was conducted at City University under the direction of Professor John Rust.

The WPPSI-III has been formally linked with the WIAT-II. (The Psychological Corporation, 2001). The relationship between the WPPSI-III and the WPPSI-R, WISC-III, BSID-II, DAS, WIAT-II and CMS was also explored in order to evaluate the assessment’s reliability. A number of special group studies were also carried out during standardisation in order to improve the clinical utility of the tool. These studies included children with intellectual disability, developmental delay, language disorders, motor impairment, ADHD and those classed as gifted.


The WPPSI-III has been translated and adapted for use with different populations including Spanish, French (and French Canadian), German, Italian, Swedish, Korean, Taiwanese (Chinese version), Japanese, Canadian, Australian, Dutch, Norwegian and Hebrew.

See also[edit]


  • The Psychological Corporation. (2001). Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – Second edition. San Antonio, TX: Author.
  • Cohen, M. J. (1997). Children’s Memory Scale. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
  • Harrison, P. L., & Oakland, T. (2003). Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Second Edition. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
  • Wechsler, D. (1989). Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence – Revised. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
  • Wechsler, D. (1967). Manual for the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.
  • Carroll, J.B. (1997). The three-stratum theory of cognitive abilities. In D.P. Flanagan, J.L. Genshaft, & P.L. Harrison (Eds.), Contemporary intellectual assessment: Theories, tests, and issues (pp. 122–130). New York : The Guilford Press.
  • Gregory, R.J. (2007). Testing special populations: Infant and preschool assessment. Psychological Testing. Pearson Education, Inc.


  1. ^'Intertel - Join us'. Retrieved 2021-05-14.
  2. ^'Qualifying test scores'. American Mensa. Retrieved 2021-05-14.
  3. ^Marks, Andrew (November 20, 2005). 'Cracking the Kindergarten Code'. New York Magazine.
  4. ^See[dead link].
Retrieved from ''




Type of TestSet of 11 developmental questionnaires periodically sent to parents of children who show potential developmental problems between 4 and 48 months.
PurposeTo identify children as needing further testing and possible referral to early intervention services.
Age Range4 months to 48 months old.
Test ComponentsAreas screened include gross motor, fine motor, communication, personal-social, and problem-solving. There are 3 versions.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe ASQ was designed to be used by parents having a variety of income and educational levels.
Time for Administering TestNot specified.
Standardization/NormsThe test was standardized on a sample of 2,008 children (who were 53% male; the occupational and ethnic status of families were diverse). Children with disabilities and those at environmental or medical risk were included in this sample. Reliability and validity are included in the manual.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNot specified.
Non-English VersionsSpanish.

(BSID-II) Second Edition 1993

Type of TestA standardized assessment of infant development.
PurposeThe test is intended to measure a child's level of development in three domains, cognitive, motor and behavioral.
Age RangeOne month to 42 months old.
Test ComponentsThe BSID-II consists of three scales: mental, motor and behavior rating scales. The test contains items designed to identify young children at risk for developmental delay.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe examiner presents test materials to the child and observes the child's responses and behaviors. Performance results can be expressed as a developmental age or developmental quotient.
Time for Administering TestThe administration time ranges from 30 minutes to 60 minutes.
Standardization/NormsBSID normative data reflects the U.S. population in terms of race/ethnicity, infant gender, education level of parents and demographic location of the infant. The Bayley was standardized on 1,700 infants, toddlers, and preschoolers between 1 and 42 months of age. Norms were established using samples that did not include disabled, premature, and other at-risk children. Corrected scores may be used for these higher risk groups, but their use is controversial.
Examiner Training/QualificationsIt is recommended that the test be administered and scored by appropriately trained clinical or school psychologists.


Type of TestA standardized test of a child's general development.
PurposeIntended to assess a child's general development.
Age Range0-72 months old. Use age equivalents over 72 months old.
Test ComponentsTest components include: language, fine and gross motor, cognitive, and personal-social domains.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresResults can be expressed as developmental age or DQ.
Time for Administering TestNot specified.
Standardization/NormsHas a normative reference group and assesses 350-400 behaviors from birth to 72 months of age.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNot specified.


Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix 1

Type of TestAssesses personal and social sufficiency of people from birth to adulthood.
PurposeTo assess communication, daily living skills, socialization and motor skills domains.
Age RangeNewborn to adult.
Test ComponentsThree forms are available: the Interview Edition Survey, the Expanded Form, and the Classroom Edition.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresA respondent (either a parent, a teacher, or another professional) who knows the individual well answers behavior-oriented questions about the individual's adaptive behavior. Results can be expressed as a standard score, percentiles, or age equivalents in each domain, as well as in the form of an Adaptive Behavior Composite.
Time for Administering TestApproximately 90 minutes.
Standardization/NormsThe Interview Edition Survey and Expanded Form were standardized on 3,000 individuals from birth through 18 years old. Separate norms are available for children with mental retardation, emotional disorders, and physical handicaps. An additional 3,000 children ranging in age from 3 to 12 years served as the normative group for the Classroom Edition.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThe examiner needs some level of supervised training, as the Vineland involves asking open-ended questions.



Type of TestScreening test of language abilities and diagnostic test to identify language disorders.
PurposeAssesses wide range of expressive and receptive language skills.
Age Range3 years through 6 years old.
Test ComponentsManual assists in developing individualized treatment program based upon assessment results. It includes syntax, morphology and semantic areas.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresChildren's responses include pointing to pictures, repeating sentences and formulating labels. Raw scores are converted into subtest standard scores, composite scores, confidence intervals, percentile ranks and age equivalents.
Time for Administering TestApproximately 30-45 minutes depending on the age of the child. The CELF-P Quick Test requires approximately 15-20 minutes.
Standardization/NormsThe standardization sample included more than 1,500 children stratified on the basis of age, gender, race/ethnicity, parent education level, and geographic region based on 1988 Census of Population update. Reliability and validity measures are provided in the test manual.
Examiner Training/QualificationsIt's recommended that examiners have experience administering, scoring, and interpreting standardized tests before attempting to administer the CELF-P.


Type of TestThe test includes observation, interaction and parent interview using a standardized format for sampling behavior.
Purpose1) Early identification of children who have or are at-risk for developing a communication impairment.
2) To establish a baseline profile of a child's communicative, symbolic and social-affective functioning which could provide direction for monitoring of behavioral changes, and planning future assessments and interventions.
Age Range8 months to 2 years old, pre-verbal to verbal children.
Test ComponentsObservation, interaction, and parent interview. Includes a Caregiver Perception Rating form to complete to gain their perceptions of the child's behavior and performance during assessment.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe questionnaire is mailed ahead to the caregiver or completed as an interview. When directly interacting with the child, the examiner can vary the degree of structure to encourage spontaneous communication and play behavior.
Recording and Scoring ResultsAssessment videotaped for analysis and scoring.
Time for Administering TestApproximately 60 minutes.
Standardization/NormsStandardization information reported in the manual. The CBSC has also been tested for cultural bias with African American children.
Examiner Training/QualificationsIt is recommended that this test be given by a speech language pathologists or other professionals trained to perform developmental assessments of young children.


Type of TestStandardized test of expressive language.
PurposeThe test was developed to help professionals obtain quick and valid estimates of a child's expressive language reported in standard scores. It can be used to screen for possible speech defects, or learning disorders, to estimate a bilingual student's fluency in English or to screen for school readiness or placement.
Age RangeDesigned for children 2-12 years old.
Test ComponentsThe test contains 100 items intended to measure a child's verbal expression, including the child's ability to make word-picture associations. Test items are based on what the child has learned from home and from formal education.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe child is asked to name presented black and white pictures. The test can be administered in English or in Spanish.
Time for Administering TestIt is quick to administer, 7-15 minutes.
Standardization/NormsAdministered to 1,118 children in San Francisco Bay Area. Reliability .84 to .92 with median reliability of 0.90.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThere are no special requirements to administer, except fluency in Spanish is needed to administer in Spanish.


Type of TestArticulation test.
PurposeThis test is designed to provide a systematic means for assessing articulation of consonant sounds.
Age RangeAges 2-16 years or older.
Test ComponentsThe GFTA subtests include sounds-in-Words, sounds-in-Sentences, and Stimulability subtest (the child repeats the sound after the clinician models correct production).
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe test consists of full color test pictures to elicit spontaneous responses from the child. Each sound production can be judged for presence of error and type of error produced. Children's error responses can be categorized using the Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA).
Time for Administering Test15-30 minutes.
Standardization/NormsNot applicable. Reliability and validity information is available in the test manual.
Examiner Training/QualificationsExaminers must have basic training in phonetics and in the nature of articulation disorders to analyze the types of errors produced.


Type of TestThe test is a parent report instrument that assesses the child's level of language development.
PurposeIt is used to obtain information on the course of language development from children's first nonverbal gestures through expansion of early vocabulary to the beginnings of grammar.
Age RangeThe test is available in 2 separate forms:
1) for infants from 8 to 16 months old
2) for toddlers from 16 to 30 months old
Test ComponentsThe infant form (CDI/Words and Gestures) is used to record information on the infant's comprehension vocabulary, productive vocabulary, and use of communicative and symbolic gestures. The toddler form, (CDI/ Words and Sentences) is designed to assess vocabulary knowledge and grammatical skills.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThese are included in the user's guide and technical manual.
Time for Administering TestThe time for parents to complete the form is 20-40 minutes, depending on the extent of the child's communicative skills.
Standardization/NormsThe CDIs are norm referenced instruments. Norms were established from samples of children in 3 cities: New Haven, Seattle, and San Diego. The educational and occupational levels of the parents were well above the national average but the sample obtained showed considerable diversity. It was noted that the norms may not be applicable to children from low education/low income families.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThis is a parent report instrument. The CDI forms are designed to be self-explanatory. In the normative study, no additional instructions were provided to the parents other than what appears on the forms. There are no special qualifications required for scoring the forms.


Type of TestThis test is a screening tool to assess communication ability. The test is not designed to provide an in-depth assessment of communication skills.
PurposeIt evaluates and documents critical interactive mother-infant behavior to identify a high-risk situations. It qualifies participants for additional assessment, preventive programs, and/or early intervention.
Age RangeThe screening is for mother-infant dyads with infants under 12 months old.
Test ComponentsTest data is based on a parent interview and professional observations of mother-infant interactions. It uses an analysis format and is designed to allow for cultural and personal variations in the ways mothers and infants use attention strategies. It compares the gazing, language, positioning and movement, facial expressions, touching, gestural, and attention awareness of the dyad.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe test can be administered in the home or clinic.
Time for Administering TestApproximately 30-40 minutes; including a 10-minute interview.
Standardization/NormsThe test has not been standardized. Rather, the observational items are based on the literature on parent-infant interactions. MICS was piloted in two WIC clinics in Illinois. Approximately 50 mother-infant dyads were observed to qualify the mother-infant interactions.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThe MICS is designed to be used by any professional who has been trained to conduct interviews for the purpose of acquiring unbiased and objective information.


Type of TestThe test assesses receptive language skills; it is a screening test to identify language comprehension difficulties.
PurposeThe test should be seen as suggesting the level of present language functioning of the individual. It can be used as part of a test battery.
Age Range2.5 to 40 years old.
Test ComponentsPPVT-R includes a series of 175 pictures.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe child is asked to point to a picture which is named by the examiner. The pictures are black and white and are presented in a field of 4 at a time. The use of a pointing response makes it useful for children with expressive language deficits.
Time for Administering TestThe test is easy to administer and quick, 5-15 minutes.
Standardization/NormsThe PPVT-R is normed on 5,028 children and adults. The PPVT-R has not been normed on a population with special needs. The test is normed for ages 2 years to adult. Stratification criteria used in the standardization sample included: chronological age and sex, geographic representation (US), occupation representation, ethnic representation, and community size representation. Validity and reliability information are included in manual.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNo special qualifications are required, but practice in giving and scoring the test is recommended.


Type of TestThe test assesses receptive and expressive language skills in infants and young children.
PurposeThe PLS-3 is meant to comprise only one part of a total diagnostic evaluation. Information from the PLS-3 helps to determine whether or not a child has a language disorder and the severity of the disorder. Task analyses can evaluate the child's strengths, emerging skills, and deficits. Areas can be identified for in-depth testing prior to defining therapy goals.
Age Range0 to 6 years old.
Test ComponentsAuditory comprehension and expressive communication. The auditory comprehension subscale evaluates the child's receptive language skills in the areas of attention, semantics, structure, and integrative thinking skills. There are 3 optional measures: Articulation Screener, Language Sample Checklist, & Family Information / Suggestion.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe examiner's manual provides instructions for scoring children's responses. Response types include single-answer responses, open-ended responses, and scoring of spontaneous instances of tested behaviors. Raw scores are converted into standard scores, confidence bands, percentile ranks, and age equivalents.
Time for Administering TestApproximately 30 minutes.
Standardization/NormsThe standardization sample included 1,200 children, ages 2 weeks to 6 years, 11 months. Within each age level, 50% of the sample was male and 50% was female. A representative sampling (based on the 1986 Census of Population update) was stratified on the basis of parent education level, geographic region, and race.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNo special qualifications are required to administer the test. To obtain valid scores, the examiner must have knowledge of test administration and score interpretation.


Type of TestThe test assesses a child's articulation.
PurposeIt is designed for use by speech and language pathologists for children who have articulation problems.
Age Range3 to 12 years old.
Test ComponentsThe test contains a set of 72 color photographs used to stimulate interest and evoke spontaneous speech response.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe child is asked to name presented color pictures and the evaluator records speech production to assess any possible errors of articulation.
Time for Administering TestQuick to administer (5-15 minutes).
Standardization/NormsThis test is normed for ages 3 to 12 years old to test articulation within the context of single words. The original photographs for the PAT were tested on 500 children of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds in the Seattle Public Schools. Items that were not readily recognized by young children were replaced. The revised PAT was used to screen and diagnose over 3,000 elementary school children in the Seattle Public Schools. Validity against 2 standard articulation tests was .815 to .974. Reliability is .991.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNo special training is required, but the evaluator should have some knowledge of phonetics to record responses.

RECEPTIVE-EXPRESSIVE EMERGENT LANGUAGE SCALE (REEL) Football manager 2008 download full game mac.

Type of TestThe REEL is a checklist that uses observational information reported by parents or guardians to assess speech and language ability.
PurposeTo identify potential receptive and expressive language problems in children up to 3 years old and to determine the effect of physical and/or environmental risks that cause primary delays in early speech and language development. Primary uses of the checklist are to describe the present developmental status of young children, to assist in setting intervention goals, and to screen for medically and environmentally at-risk children.
Age Range0 to 3 years old.
Test ComponentsThe Bzoch-League Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale (REEL) has a relatively large number of items for the early ages (132 test items). The test relies heavily on parent report. Subtests include Receptive Language Age, Receptive Quotient, Expressive Language Age, Expressive Quotient, Combined Language Age and Language Quotient.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe checklist describes language and interactive behaviors that are optimal for infants and toddlers. It may also be used for older preschool children in whom obvious delays are expected.
Standardization/NormsThe basis for age placement of the items is unclear and there is an absence of reports of a published norming study. Comparison of age placement for similar items on the BSID and SICD indicates that the REEL expects behaviors at consistently earlier ages than the two other instruments.
Examiner Training/QualificationsIt is intended for use by physicians, speech and language pathologists and early childhood professionals.


Type of TestThis is a criterion referenced test to assess the language skills of young children.
PurposeThe scale assesses preverbal and verbal areas of communication and interaction including: interaction-attachment, pragmatics, gesture, play, language comprehension and language expression. The results from this assessment tool reflect the child's mastery of skills in each of the areas assessed at three-month intervals.
Age Range0 to 3 years old.
Test ComponentsThe test includes a parent questionnaire and test protocol to gather observed, elicited, and parent report information. Items are only included when they are considered chronologically appropriate and developmentally discriminating.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe test can be administered by any member of an infant-toddler assessment team. The scale may be administered in the home, diagnostic center, school, clinic or hospital setting with the child's primary caregiver present.
Time for Administering TestAdministration time may vary (10-30 minutes).
Standardization/NormsThe items developed for the scale are a compilation of author observation, descriptions from developmental hierarchies, and behaviors recognized and used in the field of infant toddler assessment. Only items which were considered discriminating and representative of a skill at an age were included in the scale. Standardization, validity, and reliability were not provided.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThe examiner should have a thorough knowledge of child development and language.


Type of TestThis is a screening test to assess a child's development in terms of language, social/personal skills and motor skills.
PurposeThe checklist was designed to provide a vital link between norm-referenced assessment and intervention.
Age Range0 to 3 years old.
Test ComponentsThe test is designed to record observations of 85 child behaviors selected from the checklist in 5 categories of development: language comprehension, language expression, avenues to learning, social/personal development and motor development. The categories represent areas of behavior basic to children's activities of daily living, future academic success and feelings of self worth.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresExaminers elicit information from parents about specific behaviors to determine if a behavior is present, emerging, or not within the child's repertoire of behaviors.
Time for Administering TestNot specified.
Standardization/NormsNorms were based on a sample of 357 children ages 4 to 36 months. Each age had 60 children (20 children from each of 3 states). The sample was divided by gender and type of community; attempts were also made to include varying ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses. Non-verbal children were excluded. 80% of children passed the test at each level. Validity was not reported. Reliability = .88 to .99.
Examiner Training/QualificationsAny person who can reliably observe child behaviors, follow the designated procedures and assess a sampling of at least six children who are in the birth-to-three chronological or developmental range.

Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix C


Preschool Language Scales Manual Appendix

Type of TestThis test has two major sections: a receptive scale and an expressive scale.
PurposeThis test is designed to evaluate the communicative abilities of normal and retarded children who are functioning between four months and four years of age. It is useful in remedial programming of young child with sensory impairments, language disorders, and varying degrees of mental retardation.
Age Range0 to 4 years old.
Test ComponentsTest items assess semantic-cognitive, syntactic, and pragmatic aspects of communication. The receptive scale assesses awareness, discrimination and understanding of language. The expressive scale assesses initiating, imitating and responding behaviors as well as verbal output and articulation.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresThe test may be given by one person, but is easier if there are both a test administrator and a recorder. Testing begins at the level where consistent success is anticipated; so a child is never given the complete test. Testing continues until 3 consecutive items are failed. Observable responses in testing situations are supplemented by parent reports.
Time for Administering Test30 to 75 minutes for children 24 months and older.
Standardization/NormsTest items are normed for ages 4 months to 48 months. Articulation testing is for 2 years and above. The original study included 252 children, 21 at each of 12 age levels. There are three discrete age levels per year from 4 months to 48 months of age. An equal number of children in each age group were drawn from each of the 3 social classes. Only Caucasian children were included; there were 124 males and 128 females. Exclusions were made for several reasons. The test was later evaluated with a field test of 609 children from Detroit, with 276 black children and 333 white children.
Examiner Training/QualificationsNo special qualifications are required, but it is recommended that examiners be familiar with child language development.


Type of TestThe TELD assesses receptive and expressive language skills in infants and young children.
PurposeThis test is designed to identify children in need of more prolonged clinical appraisal. It was designed to complement rather than replace systematic, naturalistic evaluation.
Age RangeThe age range for the TELD is from 3 years to 7 years, 11 months. For the TELD-2 the age range is expanded to include children from 2 years to 8 years.
Test ComponentsThe language dimensions of content (semantics) and form (phonology, morphology, and syntax) are assessed in both receptive and expressive language domains.
Testing and Scoring ProceduresChild responses include picture pointing, short answers, gestures, and word imitation. Children's raw scores are converted to language quotients (scaled scores), percentiles, and language ages.
Time for Administering TestOn average, 15-20 minutes.
Standardization/NormsThe TELD was standardized on 1184 children from 11 states and one Canadian province. Characteristics of children in the standardization sample are provided in a table in the test manual.
Examiner Training/QualificationsThe test can be administered by anyone who is reasonably competent in administration of tests in education, language, and psychology.
Appendix E